What is Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync: New offering from Microsoft that helps you achieve your hybrid identity goals for synchronization of users, groups, and contacts to Microsoft Entra ID. It accomplishes this by using the Microsoft Entra cloud provisioning agent instead of the Microsoft Entra Connect Sync tool. It can be used alongside Microsoft Entra Connect Sync and…

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AAD to Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft had started Azure AD more than a Decade ago.

IT has shaped very different since then.

In July 2023, Microsoft Decided to rename Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID. Personally, I feel the abbreviation got an extra letter added from AAD to MEId or MEID which will consume one more letter in limit Twitter space.

However, the change make sense to cover everything Microsoft Entra ID covers which is just not Azure AD but verified ID, Entra Permissions, etc.

Neither the partners nor the customers need to worry about this name change today but future is inevitable.