Microsoft Exchange Server Ends Here!

Today, we saw a post from a Microsoft FTE stating Exchange 2019 is going to be the last on-prem version of Exchange as it stands now.

This means, all of our on-premises passion has to come to an end with Exchange Server 2019. This means a lot to those of us who build their career on Exchange server technology.

I started with Exchange 5.5 in Microsoft PSS and still deploying it. This news makes me feel sad.

Microsoft has not released an official post yet but in a MS Tech Community “David Wilhoit” (Microsoft PFE) post the following and all of the post follower received this email.

Microsoft Product Group removed the post as it has not been announced officially and Microsoft may change the decision.

Well! It was expected after the success of Exchange Online which is growing every year.

However, the organization which are providing Private Cloud services to Criminal Justice or white collar service to the VIP Exchange users may have a cause to worry about the future of their service.

I would urge readers to wait for the office announcement and take is easy. Golden Five Consulting will Support any version of Exchange server from 5.5. to 2019. You can call us as and when you need any help.

Best Regards,

Prabhat Nigam

CEO | LAEXUG Foundation

CTO | Golden Five Consulting

CTO @ Golden Five | CEO at LAExUG Foundation

Prabhat is 3 times Microsoft MVP Award winner. He is MBA in Information Technology and he is working as a CTO at Golden Five Consulting which is a Microsoft Gold Partner, MSP, T1CSP, and Education partner. He helps in designing, implementing, managing and supporting solutions for private messaging cloud, mergers, a collaboration between different messaging software and other migration & deployment projects for the following technologies Office 365, Azure, AWS, Exchange, SQL, ADFS, MFA, FIM, MIM and Directory services. He has worked for all big IT giants either as an employee or contractor where he has led the Global teams. He has started his career as Technical Consultant in Exchange 5.5 with Microsoft PSS and his exchange love never stopped & continued with 2000/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/O365. At one point in time, he was the only person to support EDS customers when Microsoft had closed all the supports for 5.5 and now for all old legacy Exchange versions.
He used to blog at, manages multiple LinkedIn and Facebook Groups. He also Owns MSExchnageGuru YouTube channel where he uploads all his records technical sessions. Don’t forget to check his PowerShell scripts which are making admins life easier. Prabhat can be reached at

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