WVD Update Error: 3000046

On 02/12/2021, We got hit by the following error while connecting to the WVD after a restart.

Error: We couldn’t connect because there are currently no available resources. Try again later or contact tech support for help if this keep happening.


When we check the status of the session host, it was unavailable.

    Get-RdsSessionHost -TenantName <tenant name> -HostPoolName <host pool name>

  • Logged in to the WVD VM as an admin.
  • We found that RDP Client was recently updated on the WVD.
  • We removed old client for the following
    • Remote Desktop Agent Boot Loader
    • Remote Desktop Services Infrastructure Agent
    • Remote Desktop Services Infrastructure Geneva Agent
    • Remote Desktop Services SxS Network tack

  • Login to WVD PowerShell and remove the RDSH from host pool

    Remove-RdsSessionHost -TenantName <tenant name> -HostPoolName <host pool name> -Name <session host name> -Force


  • Ran the WVD Bootloader
  • Ran the following command to check the RDSSessionHost status but it was still unavailable.

        Get-RdsSessionHost -TenantName <tenant name> -HostPoolName <host pool name>

  • Checked the certificate for my local computer, and found multiple certificates. We deleted old certificates.

  • Then reinstalled WVD Agent and WVD Bootloader
  • Restarted the WVD VM
  • Issue resolved. Now RDSSessionHost was available


Microsoft push new certificates and it caused the issue. We removed the certificate and issues resolved. Microsoft support accepted this was Microsoft fault.

Best Regards,
Prabhat Nigam
CEO at LAEXUG Foundation CTO at Golden Five Consulting

CTO @ Golden Five | CEO at LAExUG Foundation

Prabhat is 3 times Microsoft MVP Award winner. He is MBA in Information Technology and he is working as a CTO at Golden Five Consulting which is a Microsoft Gold Partner, MSP, T1CSP, and Education partner. He helps in designing, implementing, managing and supporting solutions for private messaging cloud, mergers, a collaboration between different messaging software and other migration & deployment projects for the following technologies Office 365, Azure, AWS, Exchange, SQL, ADFS, MFA, FIM, MIM and Directory services. He has worked for all big IT giants either as an employee or contractor where he has led the Global teams. He has started his career as Technical Consultant in Exchange 5.5 with Microsoft PSS and his exchange love never stopped & continued with 2000/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/O365. At one point in time, he was the only person to support EDS customers when Microsoft had closed all the supports for 5.5 and now for all old legacy Exchange versions.
He used to blog at MSExchangeGuru.com, manages multiple LinkedIn and Facebook Groups. He also Owns MSExchnageGuru YouTube channel where he uploads all his records technical sessions. Don’t forget to check his PowerShell scripts which are making admins life easier. Prabhat can be reached at PN@GoldenFive.net.

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